Monday, November 12, 2012

Walk Through Savannah Georgia

Oh darling historic Savannah, I walk down your red brick heart daily.
I start at your community play ground with a cup of joe at the Forsyth Café.
I walk through your five most ornate squares which commemorate your past.
I walk pass the buildings so old and detailed carrying stories of the past and present.
Your history surrounds me, bustling with people and activity always.
I get to your cobblestone street and gaze across the river.
The cargo ships pass carrying masses of goods in and out the life blood of our country.
I stop at your shops so quaint and cute, unique as your essence.
I hear your church bells on the hour and love your music.
I see your trolleys pass, filled with tourist eager for your stories.
I walk up your steep stairs, once a place of dark commerce.
I enjoy your oak canopies and the friendly birds singing and dancing along.
So many of the people I meet are filled with charm and southern hospitality.
You truly hold a special light darling Savannah, a truly bright light that fills me with joy.

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